Self Discovery & Transformational Coaching

Self Discovery & Transformational coaching is about understanding our unique blueprint, our core beliefs, our shadow, our archetypes; and developing power to choose. The choice is between continuing to live based on the current subconscious programming, or to transform our lives and design every area of our life based on what we want and desire.

It is like upgrading to a new operating system.

We often create our lives, be it work, relationships, education, based on what people around us tell us would be the best thing to do. These people include our primary caretakers, our families, friends and social circle, media (TV, Cinema, Social Media) and society at large.

In addition to this, we form our core beliefs when we are young and impressionable (mostly up to the age of 7) and then re-enforce these beliefs as we grow older.

These core beliefs are related to how we:

  • define our self-worth (whether we are good enough)

  • define our value

  • whether we are enough

  • whether we are loved

  • do we belong

Our lives become a projection of these core beliefs and a series of decisions based on how other people think we should live our lives.

For example: if you are someone who is always concerned about being better than other people and comparing yourself with others, and feel less than if you are not at the same level; then it is quite likely that you have formed a core belief that you are you not good enough or worthy when you were young.

How Self Discovery & Transformational Coaching can help

Self Discovery & Transformational coaching is suitable if you have been living your life in an achievement and success based paradigm for a while, and you have ticked most, if not all, boxes, and yet:

  • you feel stuck in any area of your life

  • you feel unfulfilled

  • you feel like you are on a hamster wheel of life - working hard at just going around in circles.

  • you have a good life, but life is predictable, monotonous and boring!

  • you feel like you have that spot deep inside your soul that you used to able to, but you can’t touch anymore and you long for it to be touched.

  • you crave deep joy, spark and mystery in life and are ready to change things